Friday, June 29, 2007


I have no idea what I'm going to do when I have a baby. Because all I can think about right now, at 4:45 on a Friday, is getting the hell out of work, into pajamas, pouring a glass of wine and CHILLIN. Followed by a LOOOOONG sleep. In fact, I don't want to get out of bed before 11am tomorrow. And I can.

For now.

How do moms do it? How do you go from having all this free time to none at all? Nothing to ease you in. Say, one weekend a month with an infant, followed by two, followed by three. Nope. It's all or nothing.

I hate to say it but I think I'm kind of a lazy person. Not when it comes to work but when it comes to free time. Some people see the weekend as an adventure. 48 whole hours to not be at work and therefore they fill it with activities that please them. They go outside. They hike, bike, camp and run marathons. They get up early and go to flea markets and estate sales. They go out for breakfast and peruse farmers markets.

Not me. Given the choice, I'm happy just staying in. Not answering the phone. Ordering some movies on OnDemand. Ordering in some junk food. Reading. Watching television with the shades drawn. Staying in my pajamas all day. Not having to make any physical effort whatsoever. MAAAAYBE getting out to go get a mani/pedi. Just chillin. Some would say that sounds like I'm depressed. I would disagree. It's just what makes me happy.

So with this being said, once I have a baby, all this will be long gone. Am I correct? Is it possible that I'm trying to soak up as many of these "free days" as I can before my life is dictated by diaper changes and feeding times? It's not like I can say to Hubbie, "Pretend I'm not here and you feed the baby." Can I?

I've been doing really well on the diet and have so far lost five and a half pounds. I know if I exercised more (ahem, at all) I would lose it faster. And be able to eat more.

But for now, this particular Friday afternoon, I'm going to relish in the fact that I have NOTHING that HAS to be done tomorrow except dinner with friends. And NOTHING that has to be done Sunday except a mani/pedi. And I'm grateful for that.

Happy Friday!

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