Tuesday, June 06, 2006

You Can Never Go Home Again

From USA Today:
"President Bush will promote a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage on Monday, the eve of a scheduled Senate vote on the cause that is dear to his conservative backers."
"The president firmly believes that marriage is an enduring and sacred institution between men and women and has supported measures to protect the sanctity of marriage," White House spokesman Ken Lisaius said.

Nothing gets my blood boiling faster than Bush talking about the "sanctity of marriage". Marriage is as sacred as you choose it to be. If he is so concerned about the sanctity of marriage, why not ban divorce? Or any further Spears nuptials? I can't stand the logic of this monkey. Why is this even an issue? And if I hear one more person say something along the lines of, "if we allow gay marriage, what's next? Can I marry my cat?..." I'll throw myself in front of a bus. There are SO MANY MORE important issues today than AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION to define marriage.

I could go on and on and on but since I imagine most of my readers agree with me, (or else!!!,) I won't beat a dead horse.

In other news, Hubbie and I spent yet another Sunday house hunting last weekend. The longer we pound the pavement trolling open houses out of our price range, the more my mom tries to convince us to move back to the valley. I'm still unsure of her motives seeing as she keeps mentioning houses that are within 5 miles of hers. Yes, houses are a tad bit cheaper out there but it comes with a different price. No good restaurants, bars, shopping or music venues are the first things to come to mind. Of course with a house payment I don't imagine I'll be able to experience those with any regularity anyway.

I just don't know if I'm ready to go back there yet. Back to acrylic nails and permed hair. Bass thumping from lifted trucks and kids loitering at taco bell. (Yes, I know I was once one of those kids.) Having to go to a mall just to see a movie and never being able to find a parking spot. Is it worth it?

Ok, time for a coworker's birthday party in the kitchen. Cake and beer- is there a better combination?