Thursday, May 25, 2006

Let's Get Ready To RUUMMMBBLE!!!

Last night I made dinner for Hubbie so he could have a nice hot meal after a hideously long day. All the oven and stove top cooking made our tiny apartment pretty warm, so when bedtime came Hubbie turned on the AC. We have a little, (but nonetheless very powerful,) window unit in the bedroom that we bought one scorching summer. The retailer, (which shall remain nameless,) had sold out of all their units and so began a bidding war for the remaining displays. After an hour or so of begging and haggling we outbid a family with two young children. Two young, sweet, sweat- soaked children.

When we got outside to load our booty into the trunk I started to feel bad. That lasted right up until Hubbie got it installed in the bedroom window, and our apartment went from a sweltering 90 degrees, to a crisp 68. The only catch about this unit is that it doesn’t maintain the room temperature, it just blows cold air until you turn it off. Which, in a nutshell means you can turn it on and be comfortable for a couple hours, and before you know it the tips of your fingers are black with frostbite.

Last night I’m pretty sure Hubbie set the unit to 50 degrees while I wasn’t looking. I woke up, teeth chattering, tongue numb and pulled the covers up and over my head. As soon as I fell back asleep I was jolted awake by a swift jerk of the comforter to the other side of the bed, thereby leaving my body vulnerable to the elements. So I tugged back, which elicited a nasty reaction from Hubbie trying to claim I had all the covers and why was I being so selfish!?!?

This tug of war lasted ALL NIGHT, and when I got up in the morning, (with bags under my eyes and an icicle hanging off my runny nose,) I couldn’t help but begin to plot his demise. As I got up to make the coffee, I noticed his feet hanging out from the bottom of the blanket and I just snickered and didn’t stop to cover them up, even though they were starting to turn that pale shade of blue.

And then I remembered my grandparents, who as long as I remembered slept in side by side twin beds, and how lonely that seemed. Is this how it started for them? So, I went back into the room, covered up his feet and gave him a kiss good morning.

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