Wednesday, May 24, 2006

DMV Rant- Yield For Whiners

Last night Hubbie got pulled over by two bicycle cops. As if that isn't emasculating enough, it happened right in front of me since we were following each other after work. Right now we're in the middle of a grizzly DMV mix up of Three's Company proportions. Here’s the deal. The car, (that Hubbie was driving which is technically my car,) is a Ford Explorer. Both my parents also drive Explorers. Our car was registered at their address. The new tags were mailed to their house. My mom, in one of her manic states tore open the tags, read FORD across the top of the page, and immediately slapped those puppies on her car. Her brand new Ford that already had brand new registration stickers on it. But I digress.

Months later I wondered to myself, “hmm, what ever happened to my registration tags?” That very weekend we got two parking tickets in a row for lack of tags. Hubbie nearly blew a gasket. (Pun intended.) With a few phone calls and raised voices we figured out what had happened and we all took a vote and decided that Hubbie should be the one to go to the DMV to sort it out.

Because he’s the most patient, that’s why!

Easier said than done. I consider Hubbie to be quite smart. He’s private school and college educated, well read, cultured, AND YET, he couldn’t understand at all what the woman at the DMV was asking him to do. He took the paperwork he thought he needed and left. Now I could easily go on yet another rant about DMV employees, but, well, it’s too easy a target. He filled out the paperwork as best he could but in the interim became so busy at work he never got back to the DMV.

Then we got another parking ticket for lack of registration tags.

My question is this. Our car IS indeed registered. Paid for through 2006. When the cops on training wheels pulled him over last night and started writing the ticket, why couldn’t they run the car and see on the computer that it IS registered, just missing the little dumb stickers??? Why do I keep writing run-on sentences!?!?

I know what it is. This is karma. Karma for driving an SUV. Well, I’ll have you know Karmic gods that we are SERIOUSLY considering buying a hybrid car. Now will you leave us be??

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