Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Wait Watchers

Back on a diet. Haven't really been on one since before the wedding. I suppose I thought the twenty pounds I lost in 2005 would magically stay off despite my inclination towards meals centered around cheese, cream, red meat and wine. (I really should have been born in France.)

An awful thing happened to me when I was twenty eight. I was in a Target one day and saw an aisle of scales. I decided to step on one. I saw a number flash before my eyes that I had never seen, nor dreamed of. I saw a number that was my high school weight. That is, if in high school I sported a water buffalo on my back.

I've always been thin and wore a size 3 or 5. When I turned twenty eight that all changed. I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Oh, the days of a cheeseburger, fries and a CHOCOLATE SHAKE for lunch. The years in college that I'd eat a burrito and a six pack of beer and have a washboard stomach. The years after college that were filled with bowls and bowls of pasta because that's all I could afford, yet still looked great in a bathing suit.

Now if I don't watch everything I put in my mouth I start to look like I swallowed Jerry Falwell's corpse. (Sorry, I just had to write one sentence that had Falwall and corpse in it. ha ha ha.) Ok, moving on.

Weight Watchers seems to work the best for me out of all the diets I've tried. (ahem. all two of them.) I started last Monday and now I just wait for the pounds to drop off. When I decide to do something I really put my mind to it. (Usually.) So, I'm really motivated to lose ten pounds and am hoping to do that by mid July. And more importantly keep it off.

Until we leave for Argentina, land of red meat, wine and chimichurri sauce. My mouth is already watering.

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