Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Fat bird

The middle finger on my right hand, (my bird giving finger,) is swollen and red. It's throbbing and I can't move it at all.

Is the universe trying to tell me something?

Does this mean I have to have a hiatus from giving people my jive turkey? Bummer.

If I was going to get all introspective and stuff I might think I need to relax a little, not take things so seriously. Not stress out as much. Not drive to work with "Immigrant Song" blasting. (just kidding.)

I've had so many frustrating interactions lately it's hard to imagine me being the type of person to just "go with the flow- like a twig on the shoulders of a heavy breeze..." (And if anyone can quote what movie that's from you can be my new best friend. Not that you'd want to be after this post.) But seriously, I don't see how people don't just scream when they have to deal with stupid people?

I want to know the secret. Someone let me in on it. And don't say yoga. I want to know how to stay calm in the face of aggressive stupidity without xanax.

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