Friday, January 18, 2008


Androgyny gets me hot. I can't think of anything sexier than a little gender blurring. First crush was Simon LeBon, (with Nick Rhodes a close second,) from Duran Duran. Here's me at eight years old... men in lipstick = yummy! Later came my Boy George obsession, (no need to elaborate there,) but I didn't know he was gay. I thought he was just cool! Not really sure I even knew what gay was at that point. When my parents had Peter and Gene over for dinner, I thought they were just good friends. HA!
In high school I went through my glam rock phase and no one did androgyny better than Sebastian Bach. I mean come on! He looked like a supermodel with that long blond hair and waifish figure, not to mention he sang like a chick. Then came the day when Kurt Cobain put on a dress and I nearly fainted. From LA Times interview with Kurt in 1993-

"Wearing a dress shows I can be as feminine as I want," he says, in a jab at the macho undercurrents that he detests in rock. "I'm a heterosexual . . . big deal. But if I was a homosexual, it wouldn't matter either."

Hot. And let's not forget the eyeliner.

In college I discovered just how great David Bowie is, beyond his radio hits. When I think about what it must have been like to see Ziggy Stardust live, it makes me shudder. Not only was he a pioneer in glam, along with Marc Bolan and Alice Cooper, he has those 2 different colored eyes which make him the perfect weirdo package.

This brings us to the nineties where I fell in love with Twiggy and Marilyn Manson. The mix of the grotesque and cross dressing was the perfect sexual and musical outlet I was looking for. They were shocking, they were homoerotic, they were the filthier version of Jagger and Richards, and they were beautiful to me. I knew what they were doing wasn't exactly original but it didn't matter, I had found my bad boy crush. It's rumored that Twiggy built his look based on Courtney Love's "kinderwhore" look of barrettes and little girl dresses juxtaposed with torn fishnets and smeared red lipstick. Looking at the photo below, it's hard to argue that wasn't the case. Of course it goes without saying I love Hole as well.

The pattern here seems simple right? Men who dress like women are my weakness. That's what I thought too until I saw my first episode of The L Word. I realize I'm probably the last person on earth to see this show as it's entering it's fifth season but, truthfully, I was not in the least bit interested in a soapy lesbo drama. A soapy gay male drama is more my speed. Say, one starring Gale Harold called Queer As Folk, also known as the sexiest show ever to air on television! But I digress.

I watched one episode of the L word and now I'm going to have to go out and rent the first four seasons because of this woman. I mean, seriously, she is so breathtaking it's hard to focus on what the characters are saying. I decided to do a little research on her and found this quote from an article on her in the NY Times.
"In ripped stovepipe jeans and velvet Gucci jacket, which both cling to her angular frame like a second skin, Ms. Moennig, who possesses the bone structure and metabolism of a gazelle, an angelic sulk and a smoker's cough (her latest role demands a few antsy puffs), does not so much bend as transcend gender."

I couldn't have said it better myself. She actually does transcend gender. Or, she's the perfect mix of both? Not sure yet but I officially have a new crush.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

New Year, New News

I hit a blooging slump but am forcing myself to update. I started this blog so to keep a diary and remember my adventures with some detail, but I'll be darned if I can't think of where to start. Let's see- work drama. Ok. My boss quit and our payroll company went belly up. I've heard more sob stories in the last week than I have in four years working here. Today a guy called saying he was $1,000 overdrawn and couldn't afford to buy groceries FOR HIS KID. I'm worried about not getting my w2 in the mail, or worse, getting it and finding out they actually didn't pay my taxes. Word on the street is the IRS is their biggest creditor.

We spent five days back east with the family for Christmas and celebrated my father in law's 60th birthday. The whole extended family was there and we spent three nights together just visiting and eating. As an only child I can't tell you how great it is to sit at a table with fifteen relatives all talking and laughing. Everyone gets along so well, and there's no arguing like there is at most of our family functions. In fact, this year I had to tell my mom there would be no discussion of politics whatsoever at the Thanksgiving table. I was not joking, it would actually ruin the holiday. Speaking of which, my mom joined the Republican Womens Club (or whatever they call it,) which is what prompted me to lay down the law. I'm not sure where she took a turn but this is a woman who burned her bra and was a single parent! Now she's going to hear Mitt Romney speak. *sigh* Here's where I fall according to an online quiz.

78% John Edwards
76% Barack Obama
73% Hillary Clinton
70% Bill Richardson
69% Chris Dodd
66% Joe Biden
60% Mike Gravel
56% Dennis Kucinich
46% Tom Tancredo
42% Rudy Giuliani
39% Mitt Romney
30% John McCain
30% Fred Thompson
27% Mike Huckabee
17% Ron Paul

2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz

Funny, I thought I was more of a Joe Biden kinda gal.

This has been a great month for food so far. We spent New Years at Morton's Steakhouse with Clint, Callie and Clint's brother from Texas. To say we indulged is an understatement. We were actually there for the stroke of midnight, and rang in the new year stuffed with meat, potatoes and way too much wine. We were home in bed (with heartburn) by 1. Not the most outrageous night but a blast nonetheless. Callie's birthday came last week so we splurged on a trip to Osteria Mozza, a Mario Batali restaurant. We went with the pasta tasting menu with complimenting wines. My two favorite dishes were vegetarian if you can believe it, and one of them had mushrooms in it! That is testament to Mario's recipes; if he can get me to enjoy mushrooms, we should send him to the middle east!

The hubbie and I have been bringing up the word baby more and more often. I'm officially off the pill and trying to gear up my body by taking prenatal vitamins, but we have some issues to work out as well. It's obviously a huge decision and one that shouldn't be rushed, but at the same time I'm so afraid of not being able to conceive, or having problems. I'm so ready for a change I think I'm at the point where I'll take anything. I'm in the same exact place I was last year. Nothing at all is different. Same stupid apartment, same crappy car, same job (albeit without the she-devil,) same problems, same, same, same. The trip to Argentina was a great diversion and unforgettable experience, but I'm sick of feeling like my life is a broken record. I didn't even make any new years resolutions this year; how pathetic is that? And really, it's because I just don't give a damn.

Change. Something, anything. I really want a new car. Or a new used car. Can that be a new years resolution????

Geez, this post turned into Bababadnews. Hopefully the next one will be back to my funny sarcastic self.