Friday, March 23, 2007

What's next South Carolina??

Well well South Carolina, aren't we busy these days. Apparently your state has no other pressing issues, (pesky education, poverty, health care, employment rates, LITERACY etc.,) so you have all this time on your hands to handle some really important issues.

Like passing a bill to REQUIRE women to have ultrasounds before an abortion. Makes perfect sense don't it? A woman desperate enough to have to go through a procedure that is traumatic in and of itself, but YOU South Carolina, YOU want to REQUIRE the woman to see the fetus she's aborting. Maybe the woman will change her mind and keep the unwanted baby and you are fully prepared to support her mentally and financially.

Oh, what's that? You aren't? Ooooh, I see. You're prepared to give her a used crib and some diapers. Hmm. Ok then.

Well I did a little research and by golly! South Carolina has 38% of it's children living in Single Parent households. 3rd highest below Mississipi (highest) and Louisiana, (second highest.) SHOCKING! For a state that's so moral and God-fearing.

Moving right along. Today I stumble across this headline.

South Carolina officially bans gay marriage; New Hampshire takes step toward civil unions.
Ahhhh I see. We can't let those evil homosexuals be equal with us you say. "Nearly four out of five South Carolina voters approved the amendment, which reads, "A marriage between one man and one woman is the only lawful domestic union that shall be valid or recognized in this state.""

Wait wait, let me guess! You guys passed this amendment because you had to make sure the institution of marriage is kept sacred, correct? Hmm, I think I'll do a little more internet research.

From on March 2nd, 2007
"CLINTON, S.C. — A 23-year-old former teacher accused of having sex with five teenage boys was released from jail Friday after her father posted her bail.

Allena Williams Ward will be confined to her home, able to leave only for church and lawyer visits, and must wear an electronic monitor. She also must have no contact with the boys with whom she was accused of having sex.

According to arrest warrants, Ward, who is married, had sexual encounters in the past three months with the 14- and 15-year-old boys at Bell Street Middle School, at a motel, in a park and behind a restaurant. She is charged with sexual misconduct."

Seems to me you folks in good ole' South Carolina have some problems that have nothing to do with a woman's right to chose OR homosexuals and their right to get married.

As I said in my email to friends and family, I hope people stop going there on vacation, ESPECIALLY homosexual DINKS,(double income no kids folks,) and I hope the film community, (which is filled with homosexuals,) stop dumping money into that state to film there.

And that's my two cents.